Some thoughts on SNS Nails so far...
Recently, one of the most well-known nail salons in Wellington - 4 Season Nails - run a small campaign to draw their customers in to share some thoughts on SNS nails. The reviews they have received so far are beyond 'just satisfied'.
People seem to love SNS Nails so so much that some of them reckon not going back to Acrylic Nails anymore. SNS Nails has been loving due to its ability to stay strong yet light-weight on natural nails. The colours are super gorgeous and last up to 7 weeks which is absolutely fantastic. We're thrilled with how people adopt SNS Nails s and would like to spread this love with you all.

These are just a few random reviews we pull out from 4 Season Nails Facebook Page. Please visit their page to read more about SNS and explore hundreds of beautiful SNS Nails done by the salon.
If you are considering to bring SNS Nails to your salon, I honestly recommend that you should. To stay competitive in this niche market and to delight your customers!