WARNING: SNS Nail products are recommended for professional nail technicians only.
Product training is highly recommended.
SNS Certified Salon
Take advantage of using the top-quality products from a well-known brand name in the dipping nail system.
Receive our technical support
Enjoy special discount on every order with SNS New Zealand:
20% for 1oz Gelous Colours
10% for 1.5oz Gelous Colours
10% for Pefect Flo Collection
10% for SNS gels
Improve your salon recognition with our marketing support
Be Listed on SNS New Zealand website
Free SNS posters
Certified Salon Sign, Flyer and Logo
You will get the SNS Certified Salon logo and flyer for your marketing use during your entitlement time. These can be used for online and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Email, etc) platform, introducing customers about the exclusive use of authentic SNS dipping system used in your salon, from which creating a brand differentiation in the market.
SNS Certified Salon Logo is for you to be put on your SNS works as a certification of product quality
SNS Certified Salon Flyer will be sent to you as a blank one and you should put your best SNS works and your store logo onto it as the template below
Achieve SNS New Zealand Certificate (If you haven’t been trained by us but still possess good SNS techniques, proof of achievement is required)
Obtain the minimum order on a regular monthly basis of $500-$1000 plus gst with SNS New Zealand (please see terms and conditions)
Commit to using SNS products only for the dipping powder nails in your store (not mixing with other brands)
In case of being trained somewhere else, please provide videos showing every steps of SNS application on normal nails, on nail extensions and SNS nail arts (french tip style, ombre, marble, drawing, etc) and photos of your works (a minimum of 5 videos and 20 photos).
The minimum amount required for regular order is $500 for the salon which has 1-2 staffs, $700 for the salon which has 3-4 staffs and $1000 for the salon which has more than 4 staffs.
The review of minimum order is conducted every 3 months. If the requirements are not matched for 3 months continuingly, your certified condition will be withdrawn.
At any time when you are reported using fake or other brands while promoting as SNS powder, your certified condition will be withdrawn.
When your certified condition is withdrawn, your salon will be removed from our website, certified salon sign needs to be removed from your window; marketing support, technical support and discount are no longer available.